November 16, 2011

with the girls

due to everyone's busy with own assignments and exams, our birthday celebration with the twin sisters, Rachel and Keziah was delayed.
therefore we decided to have a surprise party, erm, not to say party, just a small gathering, with the girls~

and my theme for the night~

I long time no show teeth to the camera dy, coz my teeth no pretty =(
so this would be the one in a million photos with teeth :B

birthday cake 
birthday present 

and we are off to go~!!

we intended to give the twins a big surprise by letting them thought that I went to their house for some girl's chat, and in the end others will show up from nowhere~
but I guess my acting was so bad that, the twins already knew something would happen BEFORE anything actually happens LOL..
fail fail FAIL!!

a photo with the other nerds~
BFFs for 8 years and we gonna upgrade status to BFFAE soon hahaha..
Best Friends Forever and Ever!
(but i hate my epic fat face and in this pic, gotta cut down few kgs - -!!)

and the most epic story of the night, the restaurant where we had dinner caught on fire, due to short circuit..
the workers there took the fire extinguisher and started to *pffffffffffffft* towards the fire and saved the day~~
but the few of us still continued our dinner like non-of-our-business so funny!

and the night ended with laughters and laughters and laughters~
there will be a lot of fun things gonna happen for the coming days~
coz i will be having a photoshoot for the contest XXXXXXX~
super excited!!
remember to stay tuned for more updates ya thankieeeew <3

and this post would end with a smiley like this..
minimized it because i looked epicly and terribly fugly..

tomorrow would another happy busy day~
good night and have a sweet dream~~
muacks <3

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