June 3, 2010

my first trial decoben ♥

home alone for the whole day~
while i was studying and online-ing..
something caught my attention..

inspired by some pictures from website and magazine..
i decided to make decoben^^
without any waste of time, i rushed in and out to buy my ingredients ε=┏( ・_・)┛
and start the cooking ♥
it was quite a challenge to me as i havent done this before..
and i was afraid that i will spoil the whole thing..
nervous nervous.. (>ε<)
but after an hour of war in the kitchen,
tah dah ♪
my decoben O(∩_∩)O

how was it?
there is really lots of improvement need to be made..
decoben is not as easy as i thought wheeew~ (´ー')ノ
oh, by the way..
while i was half way cleaning up the kitchen..
i walked out and i found a pig..
a tired-sleeping pig..
<( =@@= )>
oi, wake up.. *pokes*

in the end, with the cooperation from my mom and andy, we finally finished the whole thing together..
cant breath.. but satisfaction^^
there goes another thursday~ (●´∀`●)/
love, bread ♥

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