September 29, 2011

our happy cheong k day ♥

it's been a long time since the last time i went to karaoke and sang my lungs out~
maybe half a year ago??

so excited and i even got up so so so early in the morning.. (which is super unusual)
wore my lens, make up and stuff and i'm ready to go ♥♥
I think I can already hear Sunway Redbox calling my name 12 kilometres away~

here they are~
my dear colleagues~
all working in Machines..
shy shy at first, nobody wants to pick up the mic to sing, but in the end, all became super stars~
happy family!

oh, by the way, its Ayako's birthday today~
so, a small celebration together with her~
snapped a lot of funny pictures during the day~

Me and the birthday girl Chihara Ayako

Leng lui Janice and her dear

Poh Poh and Zhi Kang


Leng lui Keyao

pretending to be ninja??

Poh Poh was very 'gek dong' singing his song haha..

then in the night, we end the day by having dinner together at Full House~
had a spaghetti for myself..
creamy creamy and creamy..
but too creamy i can't finish it, gave a big portion to my baby boy LOL..
and the rest of the unclear photos were taken by iPhone 4..
or is it i that have bad skill using iPhone 4 camera?? LOL..

My baby boy

wonderful day i had..
thank you everybody, i love you all muahhhs <3

and lastly, i shall end my post with a very very very random picture..
i'm not trying to show off anything, just that i really wanted to share my happiness with you all here~
its my assignment marks for my subjects~

hahaha *happy happy*
its important that you need to play hard and at the same time work hard!
nobody wishes to repeat the whole semester right??

so i guess that's all for tonight~
as tomorrow is a working day.. sigh..
good night everybody~
sweet dreams~
and stay tuned ya 

1 comment:

  1. nice one... but i can't join lorrr.... sad dont they


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