June 9, 2010

gasping for air =x

there goes another mind-torturing day~
the next two papers are on the next week..
management organisation & behaviour AND business law..
two subjects which are sufficient to kill me =x
i will have around 7 days to get myself prepared..

since last week, i have a new tenant who was renting carpark lot from me~
everyday, early in the morning, i have to reverse my car to let him park in..
it may seems torturing..
but no, it was a lot of fun to me ♪
besides pollishing my parking skills, i can see him off to work and start my fresh day~

this friday we are going to have long-time-no-see family gathering at my grandma's house..
finally i can meet all my beloveds family members O(∩_∩)O
especially xiao ru~
going to fetch her from tuition near OUG..
nervous nervous.. (>ε<)
god bless me dont ever get lost in the middle of nowhere~

i guess that's all for today..
gotta sleep now as im far too tired resulting from exams..
good night~
love, bread ♥

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