July 13, 2010

excited ★★★

i've been working since my holiday 3 weeks ago..
living like a lifeless dog..
but finally~
there will be some real fun over the weekend~~

- friday -
orientation day for my second semester of vu course..
im really looking forward to it..
i swear to myself i will not get a shit timetable..
hahaha.. paiseh~

after that will hang out with my long-time-no-see buddies~
y am i feeling nervous now huh??

- sunday -
its 19th of july~~~
and its the day before my shiong po's birthday!!
going to have japanese buffet at legend hotel~
gotta prepare my tummy for the big day~
hahaha.. > <

it will be a fun weekend before my uni starts next monday~
but for now..
i need to think of how to spend my 6 hours more in the fashion market..

bored, bread ♥

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