June 23, 2010

blogging with my eyes half closed..

second day of working in fashion market..
i gotta admit that this job is not difficult as i need not move a lot or use my brain.. haha (´ー' )ノ
but im the kind of person who is kinda introvert and antisocial..
so i had problems communicating with customers.. haizzz..

even though my boss briefed me about it many times..
but i just cant do it..
who is good at sales?? teach me haha =]

besides the time serving incoming customers, i will just basically sit on the sofa, listen to the music and day dream..
but i dont understand why am i so tired everytime i went home..
feel like im going to fall asleep anytime anywhere =x

and now..
im blogging with both my eyes half closed..
super sleepy.. haha..
i guess thats all for today..
going to meet 'uncle chou' in a second..
good night~
love, bread ♥

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