so how does the new environment feels? ^^
few days ago i accidentally deleted everything on my blog including background, links, pictures, music player and bla bla, while i was playing with my blog..
now i see, now i dont..
sooooo sad =(
and i even temporary closed down my blog because it looked damn plain and ugly..
later i got some funny but motivating response from my darling ru..
she was like 'why cant i read your blog? why do you shut your blog? im feeling very emo now and i need to read some blogs!!........'
haha xD
inspired by her, i decided to work on my blog starting from zero =]
spent about 2 days to search for my desired blogskins, think of new blog title, upload new pictures, new music playlists and new gadgets........
its a lot of work =x
my eyeballs almost roll out again hahaha..
finally, yesterday 5 o'clock in the morning, im done!!
*clap handsss*
i can finally get a good sleep xD
i want my blog to look mature, im 19 already =]
wish to keep my blog simple and nice..
and let the readers have a peace of mind =]
blogskin : blue stars
blog title : inspired by the light im seeing while im working on my blog lol..
blog primary photo : creditsss to andy^^
leading songs in playlist : kiss the rain & river flows in you by yiruma
sidebar pictures : uploaded many photos of my belovedss~ the only picture i stole was rachel's photo hehehe xD
LED text scroller : to have an emo effect on my blog hehe..
and quotes corner : to collect meaningful phrases i heard and share with all my friends~
so happy and satisfied to have this new look~
teehee =]
thats all i wanna share~
see ya on the next blog~
love, bread ♥

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